Category: NPR

White House Is Lining Up 6 More Contracts To Boost At-Home Coronavirus Tests

The investment will “rapidly surge domestic testing capability,” said Tim Manning, supply coordinator for the COVID-19 Response Team.

Some Health Workers Say They’re Not Refusing The Vaccine, They Just Need Some Time

Low initial vaccine uptake among staffers in nursing homes has ignited debates about whether to penalize, persuade or simply pay them more to get the vaccine. But a little patience might work best.

Dr. Fauci On Vaccinations And Biden’s ‘Refreshing’ Approach To COVID-19

It’s early days yet, but Dr. Anthony Fauci says he’s encouraged by the new president’s approach to the pandemic. Science, Fauci says, is “going to rule.” And the whole world needs vaccine.

A Doc Was Mad That People Die From Preventable Diseases. So He Wrote A Book About It

Harvard professor Dr. Eugene Richardson explores colonialism’s impact on global health in Epidemic Illusions: On the Coloniality of Global Public Health.

Digital Race For COVID -19 Vaccines Leaves Many Seniors Behind

Glitchy websites, jammed phone lines and long lines outside clinics are complicating the vaccine rollout. And older Americans and those without caregivers and computer skills are at a disadvantage.

Vaccination Confusion: How A Florida Reporter Helped Anxious Seniors Get Their Shots

Sudden demand flooded a county website and its phone lines. So CD Davidson-Hiers found herself in the middle of the chaos, fielding calls from residents eager to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Industry Scrambles To Keep The Oxygen Supply Flowing

As oxygen shortages plague other countries, the U.S. has managed to avert acute shortages — in part, because the industry has figured out new ways of sharing and mobilizing.

Oxygen Industry Scrambles To Keep U.S. Patients With COVID-19 Breathing

Supply shortages of oxygen for hospitals have plagued many countries, but the U.S. has averted the most dire — partly because the industry figured out new ways to share resources and anticipate needs.

The U.S. ‘Battles’ Coronavirus, But Is It Fair To Compare Pandemic To A War?

COVID-19 has now killed more Americans than WWII. That fact helps some people put the viral death toll in perspective, while others find it offensive. Historically, is it even a valid comparison?

COVID-19 Vaccine: Will It Protect Against New Variants And Do You Need A 2nd Dose?

The spread of new strains raises new questions as two COVID-19 vaccines continue their rollout across the U.S. and another vaccine candidate preps for regulatory review. Here’s what you need to know.