Category: NPR

Older People, Some Essential Workers Should Get Vaccines Next, CDC Panel Says

A federal advisory committee voted to put adults 75 and over and frontline essential workers next in line for COVID-19 vaccines.

As COVID-19 Cases Soar, Overwhelmed California Hospitals Worry About Rationing Care

As intensive care units hit capacity, hospitals across the state are being forced to consider that they may not be able to provide critical care for everyone who needs it.

What Happens After Receiving A COVID-19 Vaccine?

NPR’s Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks with Thomas Bollyky of the global health program at the Council on Foreign Relations about the implications of tracking people who get the COVID-19 vaccine.

In Georgia Runoffs, Dems Are Running Hard On Health Care. Republicans? Not So Much

The two Democratic challengers for the U.S. Senate believe focusing on health care during a pandemic will motivate voters for the Jan. 5 runoff. If both win, their party will control the U.S. Senate.

Stanford Apologizes After Vaccine Allocation Leaves Out Nearly All Medical Residents

Residents waged a protest on Friday, demanding to know why senior faculty were getting the vaccine before front-line workers who see COVID-19 patients. Stanford has agreed the plan was flawed.

What Does Zero ICU Capacity Mean For Southern California?

The current available capacity of intensive care unit beds in Southern California has dropped to 0%. NPR discusses what that means and what might happen next.

Pfizer Says Millions Of Vaccine Doses Are Ready, But States Say Shipments Were Cut

Pfizer is pushing back on the Trump administration’s suggestion that the company is having trouble producing enough COVID-19 vaccine.

FDA Immunization Panel Assesses Moderna’s Application For Its COVID-19 Vaccine

An advisory panel to the Food and Drug Administration met on Thursday to review Moderna’s application for emergency use authorization for its COVID-19 vaccine. NPR discusses the latest.

Without Resources, Vaccine Rollout Could ‘Fall At The Last Hurdle,’ Journalist Warns

Atlantic writer Ed Yong says the COVID-19 vaccination program will be the most complicated the U.S. has ever attempted: “It’s going to be a slow process, and there are a lot of possible roadblocks.”

Some Vials Of COVID-19 Vaccine Contain Extra Doses, Expanding Supply

“Given the public health emergency, FDA is advising that it is acceptable to use every full dose obtainable (the sixth, or possibly even a seventh) from each vial,” the FDA said Wednesday.