Category: NPR

COVID-19 Test Results Get Faster, But Still Too Slow To Help Slow Disease Spread

The average wait time for results of a coronavirus test has dropped to about three days, but that is still too slow to keep infected people from unknowingly spreading the virus, researchers report.

Doctor On Wisconsin Hospital Preparation Amid Coronavirus Surge

NPR’s Ailsa Chang talks with Nasia Safdar, medical director of infection control and protection at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, about a spike in coronavirus cases in Wisconsin.

Facing Many Unknowns, States Rush To Plan Distribution Of COVID-19 Vaccines

A vaccine will only work if a lot of people can get immunized. State health officials are working furiously to design outreach and distribution plans, with little clarity from the federal government.

Doctors’ Unconscious Bias Affects Quality Of Health Care Services, Research Shows

Research shows that doctors’ unconscious bias can hurt patients of color. Some hospitals are trying to train doctors and stop disparate treatment.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing Workforce Barely ‘Inching Up’ As Cases Surge

The number of people working to stop COVID-19 outbreaks from spreading is far from the level needed in most states, according to a new NPR survey and analysis. Find out how your state is doing.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Trial Paused Due To ‘Unexplained Illness’ In Participant

The company said it had paused further dosing in all of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate clinical trials while it investigated the volunteer’s illness.

Nebraska Sees A New Spike In Coronavirus Cases

Nebraska hospitals are warning that intensive care beds are getting scarce as coronavirus cases surge. Doctors say Nebraskans need to take responsibility for slowing the spread of the pandemic.

As GOP Hails Barrett, Democrats Convene A Parallel Hearing: About Health Care

Minority Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are using their time to focus on what they call the perils presented by Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the existing U.S. health care system.

Trump’s Doctor Says There’s No ‘Actively Replicating Virus’ — So Is He COVID-19-Free?

Doctors say people who have had COVID-19 can test positive but no longer be contagious. Trump’s doctor said Trump is “no longer a transmission risk to others” but did not say if Trump tested negative.

Whistleblower On How Political Pressure Affects Safety Of Coronavirus Vaccines

NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly talks with Rick Bright, former Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority director, about his whistleblower complaint on political pressure over the coronavirus.