There is currently no central coordination of the supply of protective garb and masks in U.S. hospital inventories. A CDC project wants hospitals to share that information for the good of all.
“I can say we will see more cases, and things will get worse than they are right now,” says Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
NPR Visual journalist LA Johnson attended an abortion rally at the steps of the Supreme Court to talk to, and draw, people from both sides of the issue.
There’s still a big gap between what the federal government is promising in terms of testing capacity in the U.S. and what state and local labs can deliver.
Whether your mild or moderate symptoms mean you have a cold, the flu, or COVID-19 doesn’t change the medical advice right now. Stay home, rest, and call or email your doctor if symptoms worsen.
People in France share everyone’s concerns about dealing with coronavirus — but thanks to the country’s universal health care, the French don’t have to worry about paying for tests or treatment.
The California county includes the hospital that treated the first known U.S. case of community spread of COVID-19, which went undiagnosed for days because of problems with the U.S. testing program.
For millions of workers, remote work is not an option. Among them are home and health aides, who look after some of the most vulnerable, often themselves without health insurance and earning little.
Should “potential exposure” by a health worker to someone with coronavirus be enough to send that worker home for two weeks of self-quarantine? Health systems have begun debating relative risks.