With the Iowa caucus and major primaries just weeks away, many voters say they’re still confused about how presidential candidates differ on health care. Here’s a guide to key issues and terms.
Medicaid expansion is making people healthier. It’s also costing states more than expected. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is scrambling to close a $6 billion deficit tied to Medicaid expansion.
An expert panel convened by the FDA says the drug Makena should be withdrawn from the market because a review of its effectiveness shows it doesn’t work. But OB-GYNS who prescribe the drug disagree.
A study this month showed giving extra social services to the neediest patients didn’t reduce hospital readmissions. Now health advocates say that might not be the right measurement of success.
The for-profit hospice industry has grown, allowing more Americans to die at home. But few family members realize that “hospice care” still means they’ll do most of the physical and emotional work.
Drugs to treat multiple sclerosis can run $70,000 a year or more. Patients hoped competition from a generic version of one of the most popular brands would spur relief, but prices went up. Here’s why.
Cities have tasked police and sanitation workers with dismantling homeless camps that they say pose a risk to health and safety. But that’s meant some displaced people are losing needed medications.
Matching the sickest patients with social workers and medical support doesn’t reduce costly hospital readmissions, a study finds. Still, some believe greater social investment could make a difference.
Both sides say they want the high court to quickly weigh in on a case that could invalidate the federal health law. Whatever the court decides will likely have consequences in 2020 elections.
People with sickle cell disease aren’t fueling the opioid crisis, research shows. Yet some ER doctors still treat patients seeking relief for agonizing sickle cell crises as potential addicts.