Health care is a top issue for voters heading into the midterm elections. The arguments on each side have gotten heated, particularly over pre-existing conditions and government-run care.
Within days of an OD from opioids or other drugs, users in Huntington, W.Va., are visited by a quick-response team at home, the hospital or in jail. Reversing an OD is just recovery’s first step.
Idaho is one of three conservative states where voters will decide in November whether to buck the GOP’s resistance to the Affordable Care Act and implement its Medicaid expansion for adults.
A court in Arizona recently ruled that much of what medical marijuana dispensaries sell in the state is illegal. People with legitimate medical marijuana prescriptions could face prison sentences.
Despite running against the Affordable Care Act for years, many Republicans are airing ads saying they support a central feature of the law: the requirement that pre-existing conditions be covered.
Surgeons in South Africa transplanted part of a liver from an HIV-positive mother to her uninfected daughter — a medical first. Scott Simon talks to Dr. Harriet Etheredge, a medical bioethicist.
Health care is a major concern for voters in the upcoming midterm elections. NPR’s Scott Simon speaks with Rep. John Faso about how he’s speaking to his constituents about this important issue.
The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is a central issue in Arizona’s election for U.S. Senate. But voters’ perceptions of the health care law have changed dramatically over the past eight years.
More than two-thirds of Medicaid recipients are enrolled in privately run Medicaid managed care programs. Yet the evidence is thin these contractors improve patient care or save the government money.