Simone Gold isn’t alone. NPR found other physicians who retained their licenses despite spreading misinformation online and to the media about effective COVID-19 vaccines and unproven treatments.
Lewis County General Hospital in upstate New York is pausing maternity services later this month after dozens of staff members quit because they refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
At least 10 hospitals in the state started rationing care for everyone because they’re filled with COVID-19 patients. But there’s deep distrust of authority.
Several studies over the past year and a half have arrived at the same conclusion: mask wearing significantly limits transmission of the coronavirus in schools.
Black communities are suffering a growing share of overdoses, while addiction treatment resources and attention are still focused on white communities.
All contraceptive methods were already free for girls up to 18 years old, and that is being expanded to all women up to 25. The health minister didn’t address contraception methods for men.
The blaze broke out late Wednesday in the western city of Tetovo, where the hospital had been set up following a recent spike in infections in the region that left local hospitals full.
With all the talk about COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, it’s easy to forget that there’s another respiratory virus poised to strike. We tackle questions about why a flu vaccine matters now.
ECMO, the highest level of mechanical life support, functions as a temporary heart and lungs for some of COVID-19’s sickest patients. But the waitlist is too long for many patients who need it.