Thirty-six percent of U.S. nursing home residents and 64 percent of staffers had not received a COVID-19 booster as of late February, an AARP analysis published March 17 found.
A New York state audit released this week found the state’s health department under former Gov. Andrew Cuomo failed to publicly account for 4,100 COVID-19 deaths of nursing home residents.
Long-term care residents and staff with symptoms or signs of COVID-19 must be tested immediately, regardless of vaccination status, under updated CMS guidance for long-term care facilities.
The Joint Commission and Alzheimer’s Association are uniting to improve the quality and safety of dementia care in nursing, skilled nursing, and assisted-living facilities, the organizations said March 10.
Alaska provides the most hours of daily care to nursing home residents in the U.S., while Illinois offers the least, data from a quarterly Long Term Care Community Coalition report shows.
The American HealthCare Association and the National Center for Assisted Living are seeking a meeting with President Joe Biden and the head of CMS to discuss what they called “factually incorrect” information presented during the president’s rece…
After discovering calculation errors in two measures related to the March 2022 Care Compare provider preview reports, CMS has corrected and re-released the reports, the agency said March 7.