Category: Nursing

16 hospitals hiring CNOs

Below are 16 hospitals and health systems that recently posted job listings seeking chief nursing officers. 

2 Wyoming hospitals with the top nurse-patient communication scores

The following Wyoming hospitals received the highest marks for nurse communication, according to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems scores from CMS.

Safety-net hospitals face the worst of the US’ nursing shortage

While the unprecedented nursing shortage is a national problem, safety-net hospitals, which provide care to millions of Americans, face its worst effects, The New York Times reported Jan. 23. 

From the prison of my job to freedom

It became a prison to me — impending doom. I knew I had only three months left before I could retire. Three months isn’t long, but it is a lifetime away. That long drive to work in that heavy highway traffic where there was always a collision. Th…

Penn Nursing leaders on how nursing schools can embed innovation into curriculum

Three leaders from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing in Philadelphia have published an article outlining the actionable steps the school took to promote and integrate innovation into their nursing curriculum. 

The complexity behind travel nurses’ exponential rates

Hospitals and health systems relying on travel workers to fill workforce gaps is nothing new, but the pandemic has spotlighted travel pay by spurring an environment in which these organizations must compete for nurses with agencies that offer lucrative…

7 ways to immediately reduce nurse strain

Hospitals and health systems are increasingly partnering with nursing schools or offering academic financial assistance to bolster the nursing pipeline. While an influx of nursing students will eventually help address workforce issues, there will be at…

Nurses: The most trusted US professionals 20th year in a row

Americans said nurses are the most honest and ethical professionals for the 20th consecutive year, according to an annual Gallup poll. 

5 systems launching nursing programs

Several colleges and universities have launched innovative nursing programs and partnerships to address persistent nursing shortages around the country.

The displacement of the health care family

Along came COVID, and no one was prepared. We had minimal PPE. We were told to put our N95 mask in a paper bag, use it on every patient, and use it for one full week. Normally the N95 mask would be disposed of after each patient room exit. Health care …