Category: AHRQ

An opportunity to engage obstetrics and gynecology patients through shared visit notes.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Herlihy M, Harcourt K, Fossa A, Folcarelli P, Golen T, Bell SK. Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Jun 11; [Epub ahead of print].

Exposure to incivility hinders clinical performance in a simulated operative crisis.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Katz D, Blasius K, Isaak R, et al. BMJ Qual Saf. 2019 May 31; [Epub ahead of print].

Deprescribing Guidelines: Special Section on Symposium Results.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019;15:780-810.

Why are patients not more involved in their own safety? A questionnaire-based survey in a multi-ethnic North London hospital population.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Yoong W, Assassi Z, Ahmedani I, et al. Postgrad Med J. 2019;95:266-270.

Effects on resident work hours, sleep duration and work experience in a Randomized Order Safety Trial Evaluating Resident-physician Schedules (ROSTERS).

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Barger LK, Sullivan JP, Blackwell T, et al; ROSTERS Study Group. Sleep. 2019 May 20; [Epub ahead of print].

Diagnostic accuracy of physician-staffed emergency medical teams: a retrospective observational cohort study of prehospital versus hospital diagnosis in a 10-year interval.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Schewe JC, Kappler J, Dovermann K, et al. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2019;27:36.

Multicenter study to evaluate the benefits of technology-assisted workflow on i.v. room efficiency, costs, and safety.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Eckel SF, Higgins JP, Hess E, et al. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2019;76:895-901.

Prevention of opioid overdose.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Babu KM, Brent J, Juurlink DN. N Engl J Med. 2019;380:2246-2255.

Lessons learned from a death outside a hospital’s doorstep.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Palmer J. Patient Saf Qual Healthc. May/June 2019.

Lessons learned from a death outside a hospital’s doorstep.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Palmer J. Patient Saf Qual Healthc. May/June 2019.