Category: Quality

Air pressure: human factors are the key to a safer flight environment.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Erich J. EMS World. April 2019;48:26-31.

“Sorry” is never enough: how state apology laws fail to reduce medical malpractice liability risk.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

McMichael BJ, Van Horn RL, Viscusi WK. Stanford Law Rev. 2019;71:341-409.

A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis on the risks of medical discharge letters for patients’ safety.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Schwarz CM, Hoffmann M, Schwarz P, Kamolz LP, Brunner G, Sendlhofer G. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019;19:158.

Perceptions of pediatric hospital safety culture in the United States: an analysis of the 2016 Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Gampetro PJ, Segvich JP, Jordan N, Velsor-Friedrich B, Burkhart L. J Patient Saf. 2019 Mar 29; [Epub ahead of print].

Safe medication management at ambulatory surgery centers.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Ubaldi K. AORN J. 2019;109:435-442.

A really stupid mistake: it does feel like a cop out to blame my error on human frailty, but I’m afraid that’s exactly what it was.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Maskell G. BMJ. 2019;365:l1617.

Evidence and efficacy: time to think beyond the traditional randomised controlled trial in patient safety studies.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Webster CS. Br J Anaesth. 2019 Apr 3; [Epub ahead of print].

Facilitation of surgical innovation: is it possible to speed the introduction of new technology while simultaneously improving patient safety?

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Marcus RK, Lillemoe HA, Caudle AS, et al. Ann Surg. 2019 Mar 26; [Epub ahead of print].

Laney’s story: the problem of delayed diagnosis of pediatric stroke.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Fitzsimons BT, Fitzsimons LL, Sun LR. Pediatrics. 2019;143:e20183458.

12 labor & delivery nurses pregnant at same time in San Diego hospital

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