Category: Quality

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Shah RK, ed. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2019;52:1-194.

Implementation of a second victim program in the neonatal intensive care unit: an interim analysis of employee satisfaction.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Merandi J, Winning AM, Liao N, Rogers E, Lewe D, Gerhardt CA. J Patient Saf Risk Manag. 2018;23:231-238.

Race differences in reported harmful patient safety events in healthcare system high reliability organizations.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Thomas AD, Pandit C, Krevat SA. J Patient Saf. 2018 Dec 21; [Epub ahead of print].

Evaluation of a measurement system to assess ICU team performance.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Dietz AS, Salas E, Pronovost PJ, et al. Crit Care Med. 2018;46:1898-1905.

What causes medication administration errors in a mental health hospital? A qualitative study with nursing staff.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Keers RN, Plácido M, Bennett K, Clayton K, Brown P, Ashcroft DM. PLoS One. 2018;13:e0206233.

In patient safety efforts, pharmacists gain new prominence.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Gale R. Health Aff (Millwood). 2018;37:1726-1729.

Drug and opioid-involved overdose deaths—United States, 2013–2017. 

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Scholl L, Seth P, Kariisa M, Wilson N, Baldwin G. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2019;67:1419-1427.

Solving alarm fatigue with smartphone technology.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Short K, Chung YJ Jr. Nursing. 2019;49:52-57.

Safety enhancements every hospital must consider in wake of another tragic neuromuscular blocker event.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute Care Edition. January 17, 2019;24.

Evaluation of harm associated with high dose-range clinical decision support overrides in the intensive care unit.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Wong A, Rehr C, Seger DL, et al. Drug Saf. 2018 Dec 1; [Epub ahead of print].