Category: Quality

8 systems seeking chief quality officers 

​​Below are eight hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that have recently posted job listings seeking chief quality officers.

12 hospitals hiring chief medical officers

Below are 12 hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that posted job listings seeking chief medical officers in the last two weeks.

13 hospitals hiring chief medical officers

Below are 13 hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that posted job listings seeking chief medical officers in the last two weeks.

10 executives on quality improvement measures deserving more attention

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused quality leaders to seek innovative solutions to not only maintain but reinvigorate quality efforts, with renewed attention on maintaining measures as hospitalizations have dwindled since the omicron surge.

5 systems seeking chief quality officers 

​​Below are five hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that have recently posted job listings seeking chief quality officers.

At US Hospitals, a Drug Mix-Up Is Just a Few Keystrokes Away

After a Tennessee nurse killed a patient because of a drug error, the companies behind hospital medication cabinets said they’d make the devices safer. But did they?

7 systems seeking chief quality officers

​​Below are eight hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that have recently posted job listings seeking chief quality officers.

14 hospitals hiring chief medical officers

Below are 14 hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that posted job listings seeking chief medical officers in the last two weeks.

8 systems seeking chief quality officers

Below are eight hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that have recently posted job listings seeking chief quality officers.

13 hospitals hiring chief medical officers

Below are 13 hospitals, health systems or hospital operators that posted job listings seeking chief medical officers in the last two weeks.