Category: Quality

Senator urges OIG to probe sterilization protocols at Connecticut VA hospital

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review

Adverse drug events and medication problems in “Hospital at Home” patients.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Mann E, Zepeda O, Soones T, et al. Home Health Care Serv Q. 2018;37:177-186.

Ten principles for more conservative, care-full diagnosis.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Schiff GD, Martin SA, Eidelman DH, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2018 Oct 2; [Epub ahead of print].

Specifications of computerized provider order entry and clinical decision support systems for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a systematic review.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Rahimi R, Kazemi A, Moghaddasi H, Arjmandi Rafsanjani K, Bahoush G. Chemotherapy. 2018;63:162-171.

Are clinical instructors preventing or provoking adverse events involving students: a contemporary issue.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Christensen L. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;70:121-123.

Changing dynamics of the drug overdose epidemic in the United States from 1979 through 2016.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Jalal H, Buchanich JM, Roberts MS, Balmert LC, Zhang K, Burke DS. Science. 2018;361:1184.

Is there evidence of a July effect among patients undergoing hysterectomy surgery?

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Varma S, Mehta A, Hutfless S, Stone RL, Wethington SL, Fader AN. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;219:176.e1-176.e9.

Patient-mediated interventions to improve professional practice.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Fønhus MS, Dalsbø TK, Johansen M, Fretheim A, Skirbekk H, Flottorp SA. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;9:CD012472.

Using EMR-enabled computerized decision support systems to reduce prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications: a narrative review.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Scott IA, Pillans PI, Barras M, Morris C. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2018;9:559-573.

Failures in the respectful care of critically ill patients.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Law AC, Roche S, Reichheld A, et al. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2018 Aug 28; [Epub ahead of print].