Category: Quality

NAM Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Washington DC: National Academy of Medicine and the Aspen Institute.

Students have a key role in a culture of safety: analysis of student-associated medication incidents.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute Care Edition. July 26, 2018;23:1-4.

Making surgical wards safer for patients with diabetes: reducing hypoglycaemia and insulin errors.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Singh A, Adams A, Dudley B, Davison E, Jones L, Wales L. BMJ Open Qual 2018;7:e000312.

Deadly deliveries: hospitals know how to protect mothers. They just aren’t doing it.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Young A. USA Today. July 27, 2018.

Midwest Alliance for Patient Safety.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Illinois Hospital Association.

Yale New Haven physician falsely accused of lying to hide surgical mistake tries to rebuild reputation

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Troubled ED on Sioux Indian reservation draws CMS inspectors

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Women treated by male physicians more likely to die after heart attack, study finds

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Rat lungworm infection found in 8 states, CDC warns

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Nurse stabbed while trying to protect patient at Philadelphia hospital

Read the full post on Becker's Hospital Review