Category: Rankings & Ratings

276 hospitals with 1 star from CMS

CMS updated its Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings on July 31, assigning one star to 276 hospitals. 

10 best, worst states for healthcare in 2024

Minnesota is the best state for healthcare when it comes to affordability and quality and Mississippi is the worst, according to WalletHub’s 2024 ranking published July 29. 

46 hospitals, health systems among best employers for women: Forbes

A total of 46 hospitals and health systems were featured in Forbes’ seventh annual America’s Best Employers for Women list.

50 best places to live for families: Fortune

Fortune has released its 2024 ranking of best places to live for families. 

20 medical schools with most graduates practicing in rural, shortage areas

U.S. News & World Report published its annual list of best medical schools July 23, which includes rankings of schools with the most graduates practicing in rural areas and health professional shortage areas. 

The 10 most diverse medical, osteopathic schools: US News

U.S. News & World Report released its annual medical school rankings and ratings July 23, including rankings of the most diverse schools.

Top medical schools for 2024: US News

U.S. News & World Report released its annual medical school rankings and ratings July 23 after postponing them for the second year in a row. 

10 best, worst states for healthcare access for women

Healthcare is most affordable and accessible for women in Vermont and least affordable and accessible for women in Texas, according to a July 18 analysis from The Commonwealth Fund.

10 best, worst states for women's health outcomes

Women in Massachusetts have the best health outcomes of any state, while patients in Mississippi report the lowest, according to a new analysis from The Commonwealth Fund.

Women's health scorecard: Where each state ranks

Massachusetts, Vermont and Rhode Island are the top-performing states for women’s health and reproductive care, according to a July 18 report from The Commonwealth Fund.