Category: Rankings & Ratings

The most ethnically diverse cities by size

Of the most ethnically diverse cities in the U.S., four of the top 10 are in Maryland, according to a WalletHub report published Feb. 21.

States ranked by hospital beds per 1,000 population

The District of Columbia has the most hospital beds per 1,000 population of all U.S. states, while Washington has the fewest for the second year in a row, according to a ranking Kaiser Family Foundation released.

Top 6 billionaires in US healthcare

The latest Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which consistently ranks the world’s 500 richest people across industries, includes six leaders from U.S. healthcare. 

10 hospitals with longest ED visit times, per CMS

Becker’s has compiled a list of hospitals and health systems with the longest emergency department visit times using data from CMS’ provider data catalog. 

10 'loneliest' cities in America

In 24 American cities, at least 40% of the population lives alone. 

States ranked by total primary care physicians in 2024

California has the most primary care physicians in the country, while Wyoming has the least, according to KFF data published in February.

States ranked by total physician assistants in 2024

California has the most physician assistants in the country, while Mississippi has the least, according to KFF data published in February.

5 states with most, fewest physician groups

California has the highest number of physician groups while North Dakota has the fewest, a Definitive Healthcare report found.

10 hardest-working cities in America

The hardest-working Americans live in Washington, D.C., according to an analysis by WalletHub, a personal finance website. 

382 rural hospitals cut chemotherapy, breakdown by state

Rural hospitals are cutting chemotherapy services, straining access to care in some states.