The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services deems child care “affordable” if it requires 7% or less of a person’s income. By that measure, not a single U.S. state offers affordable child care, a recent analysis from GoBankingRates found.
Physician shortages are a recognized challenge in the U.S. healthcare system. The scarcity of anesthesiologists, specifically, carries major implications.
The western U.S. sports half of the 10 healthiest counties in America, while 60% of the unhealthiest communities are located in Texas, according to a recent analysis from MarketWatch.
U.S. News & World Report has ranked the best healthcare jobs without a college degree, including careers for those with a high school diploma or associate degree.
Plastic surgeons have the highest annual compensation and lowest burnout rate of all specialties, while pediatricians have the lowest annual compensation and report the fifth highest rate of burnout, Medscape data shows.