Category: ROOT

DEA proposes new controlled substance rules for telehealth

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has proposed two rules for prescribing controlled substances set to go into effect on May 11, according to a March 7 report from Medscape, but the proposals are not popular among all physicians. 

Amoxicillin shortage continues as resupply dates are delayed again

An ongoing national shortage of amoxicillin has again been further exacerbated by resupply delays.

Washington Senate greenlights nurse staffing ratios

The Washington state Senate has passed Senate Bill 5236, which will legally mandate nurse-to-patient staffing ratios if it survives the entire legislative process. 

15 most affordable towns for physicians to live in

The most affordable towns for physicians to live in are located in states including Illinois, Texas and Pennsylvania, which are all home to over 100 ASCs. 

PE firm supports Boston Children's

Colbeck Capital Management, a middle-market private credit manager, and cofounder Jason Colodne on March 8 shared their support for Boston Children’s Hospital.

UC Davis Medical Center debuts valve replacement procedure

University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento has become the first hospital in the region to perform the transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement procedure.

NTx names former Dell and IBM leader CEO

Life sciences company NTx has named Jamie Coffin, PhD, a former leader at Dell and IBM, its new CEO.

Drugmaker to pull only preterm birth drug from market

Covis Pharma will stop selling Makena, the only FDA-approved drug to prevent preterm births, months after a panel voted 14-1 to retract the treatment, according to The Wall Street Journal.

10 health systems reporting profits in 2022

Health systems across the country reported significant losses in 2022 due to inflation and the rising costs of supplies, equipment and labor, but some systems saw investment returns and enhanced revenues offset expenses for the year.

Senators look to crack down on organizations using healthcare data for advertising purposes

Three Democratic senators have proposed legislation aimed at banning organizations from using personally identifiable health data for advertising and marketing purposes, GovInfoSecurity reported March 7.