Jeffrey Peterson, PhD, a pioneering researcher in chemical biology and cancer, died of rectal cancer Jan. 2 at age 53, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.
Two emergency medical service workers in Sangamon County, Ill., are facing first-degree murder charges after one of their patients died of compressional and positional asphyxia, NBC affiliate KCBD reported Jan. 11.
Ponte Vedra, Fla.-based Barnhorst Eye Associates has partnered with the region’s largest multispecialty ophthalmology practice, Brandon-based Florida Eye Specialists, according to a Jan. 12 report from the Ponte Vedra Recorder.
Nashville, Tenn.-based Ardent Health Services has teamed up with SwitchPoint Ventures to create a healthcare delivery and administration innovation studio.
Job search website Glassdoor has named the top 100 companies to work for in 2023, with notable names including Meta and Apple falling from the list for the first time in years.
Hospitals may face severe and prolonged winter virus seasons in the coming years that strain resources and hinder the capacity to care for other patients, White House COVID-19 response coordinator Ashish Jha, MD, told The Washington Post.
Regardless of the crisis of the moment — be it a crushing nursing shortage or nonstop stream of patients with respiratory illnesses — hospitals that fail to keep a close eye on providing extraordinary patient experience will pay, one way or the other.