Pleasant Valley Hospital in Point Pleasant, W.Va., has named a new COO and vice president of finance, nearly six months after it was acquired by Huntington, W.Va.-based Mountain Health Network.
Stanford (Calif.) University’s board of trustees has opened an investigation into its president amid allegations that at least four research papers he co-authored may contain altered images, according to a Dec. 1 report from The Washington Post.
Integra Life Sciences will pay as much as $140 million to acquire Surgical Innovation Associates, a spinoff company of Evanston, Ill.-based Northwestern University.
Atrium Health and Advocate Aurora Health closed on their formal combination Dec. 2, resulting in a newly combined $27 billion, 67-hospital system called Advocate Health — the fifth-largest nonprofit health system in the U.S.
The I-PASS Handoff Program, created to improve handoff miscommunications when providers change shifts, resulted in a 47 percent reduction in adverse events, a new study found.
An economic impact analysis of how direct employment and spending by Sacramento, Calif.-based UC Davis affects the local, regional and statewide economies found that the university generated $12.56 billion in statewide economic activity and supported 6…
Spine surgeon Philip Louie, MD, medical director of research and academics at Seattle-based Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, joined Becker’s to discuss what he wishes his coworkers knew about his job.