Two House lawmakers have introduced a bill that would establish an “essential health system” designation that would create more opportunities for safety net hospitals to receive federal funding.
Oakland, Calif.-based Kaiser Permanente might be breaking ground on a hospital in the Sacramento rail yards this year, the Sacramento Business Journal reported Feb. 15.
Ridgecrest (Calif.) Regional Hospital is laying off 31 more employees just two months after it announced plans to layoff 29 others and suspend its labor and delivery unit, reported Feb. 15.
Hospitals are redesigning nursing and care team models to meet patient needs and leverage technology to better support nurses. While still in the early stages, a few health systems are seeing promising results for patient care and nurse satisfaction.
A California city piloted a nurse triage program for incoming 911 calls that has helped 581 residents and saved over $573,000, ABC affiliate CBS8 reported Feb. 15.