Category: Static

Viewpoint: The 'last straw' for healthcare workers

Increasing workplace violence has left many healthcare workers feeling unsafe on the job and, in some cases, is motivating them to consider a career change, Harry Severance, MD, wrote in a Sept. 26 op-ed for Medpage Today. 

Nurses weigh in on the longest shift they've ever worked

Three 12-hour shifts a week has long been considered the standard schedule for hospital nurses. However, many nurses can recall times they’ve worked far beyond 12 hours due to staffing pressures at their facility. 

FTC accuses Amazon of 'monopolistic practices' in lawsuit

The Federal Trade Commission and 17 state attorneys general filed a lawsuit against Amazon alleging that the online commerce giant engages in unfair monopolistic practices.

UNC Health plans standalone children's hospital

Chapel Hill, N.C.-based UNC Health is drawing up plans for its flagship freestanding children’s hospital. 

Physician compensation in 2023: 22 numbers to know

Several reports have come out in recent months highlighting physician compensation trends. While data periods, criteria and samples differed over such reports, some trends emerged that showed consistent data, including a strong correlation between comp…

Main Line Health names 1st new CFO in 25 years

Bryn Mawr, Pa.-based Main Line Health named Leigh Ehrlich as its next executive vice president and CFO, replacing Mike Buongiorno, who is retiring from the position at the end of 2023 after 25 years. 

Penn State study: Rapid sepsis test saves more lives at lower cost

A new blood test designed to detect sepsis earlier in at-risk patients demonstrated a survival rate of 95 percent in a study led by Penn State.

Weight-loss drug market could reach $100B by 2035

The market for drugs like Eli Lilly’s Mounjaro and Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic and Wegovy is projected to reach $100 billion by 2035, Fortune reported Sept. 22.

Black patients more likely to be restrained in EDs, study finds

Less than 1 percent of emergency department patients are restrained, but Black patients face a significantly higher risk of physical restraint than non-Black patients, according to a meta-analysis published Sept. 25 in JAMA. 

94% of government-funded nursing homes were short nurses during pandemic

Ninety-four percent of Medicare- and Medicaid-certified nursing homes across the U.S. experienced a nurse staffing issue during the pandemic, according to a report released in September by the U.S. Pandemic Response Accountability Committee.