Coral Gables-based Baptist Health South Florida says AI technology has been helping its neurosurgeons speed up stroke care during “golden hour” — the first 60 minutes after a stroke in which clinicians have the greatest opportunity to restore blood flo…
Chapel Hill, N.C.-based UNC Health is in the process of creating an AI framework to ensure the technology is being developed responsibly, reported Aug. 25.
UNC Hospitals locked down Aug. 28 amid reports of an armed suspect on the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s campus, a spokesperson confirmed to Becker’s.
Since the rural emergency hospital program went into effect earlier this year, hospitals in Texas, Mississippi, Michigan and Arkansas have taken advantage of the program.
Voters may be restless over healthcare issues, but politicians, especially at the potential presidential level, aren’t paying enough attention, Paul Keckley writes in his latest report.
The opioid crisis, adoption of telehealth and better use of data are just some of the issues uppermost in healthcare executives’ minds, as well as the ever-present labor crisis and bringing innovation into everyday practices.
Jenn Freund, MSN, RN, has been appointed as the chief nursing officer for Trident Medical Center in North Charleston, S.C., according to an Aug. 21 news release.