Ongoing legal disputes involving Maryville, Tenn.-based Blount Memorial Hospital are helping to push an already teetering system toward ruin, according to an Aug. 3 report from The Daily Times.
Bankruptcies have risen this year as staffing shortages and climbing interest rates continue to challenge hospitals, health systems, physician staffing groups and other healthcare companies.
Jacksonville, Fla.-based Baptist Health clinicians are using the Dax app from Nuance, a software company owned by Microsoft, to generate clinical notes and save time charting, CNBC reported Aug. 7.
Naples, Fla.-based NCH Northeast Emergency Department shut down for nearly 6 hours after a man allegedly battered a nurse and destroyed over a thousand dollars’ worth of property, NBC reported Aug. 6.
Black Book Research ranked the top hospital EHRs for academic medical centers and their regional networks based on surveys of 18 performance indicators conducted between the second quarter of 2022 and the third quarter of 2023.
Inpatient care and emergency department services at Brockton (Mass.) Hospital are not expected to fully reopen until 2024, months later than officials first anticipated, according to an Aug. 6 report from The Enterprise.
In the last two months, Becker’s has reported on one health system that closed a hospital emergency department and two more that will soon follow suit: