Beebe Healthcare, a community health system based in Lewes, Del., has eliminated the position of Executive Vice President and COO Rick Schaffner, RN, Delaware News Journal reported July 27.
Towson, Md.-based Greater Baltimore Medical Center, while having its default rating and that on a series of bonds affirmed at “A+,” saw its outlook downgraded to negative, Fitch said July 26.
A nurse who was fired after allegedly “slamming” the face of a 2-day-old infant into a bassinet was cleared of misconduct by the state agency, NBC New York reported July 26.
While patient safety should always be a top priority, being forced to abide by nurse-to-patient ratios when scheduling takes away nurse leaders’ ability to exercise their own clinical power, Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, CEO of the American Organization for N…
Telehealth exploded out of necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic, but as the U.S. moves out of the COVID-19 era, hospital leaders told Becker’s they are relying less on telehealth.
Registered nurses at Ascension Via Christi St. Joseph and Ascension Via Christi St. Francis hospitals in Wichita, Kan., and Ascension Seton Medical Center in Austin, Texas, petitioned hospital management July 26 to address their concerns related to sta…
Hospitals nationwide are seeing greater volumes of high-acuity patients than they have in the past. That, coupled with labor shortages and little to no space at post-acute care facilities are fueling discharge delays and other hospital capacity challen…