Payer+Provider's Health System Review
December 21, 2021
Plaintiffs in a two-year-old lawsuit say emails show executives worked behind the scenes on a policy that would take more human livers from rural areas and send them to big-city transplant centers.
Should you still go out to a party? What about a restaurant? How can you keep people safe at gatherings?
Tracking the main coronavirus variants in the U.S. and around the world: omicron, delta, gamma, alpha and beta.
Babies should sleep on their backs without any soft bedding. These pillows can pose a suffocation risk to a sleeping baby, experts say.
December 19, 2021
Depending on your health status, your doctor may want to see you more or less often.
It’s a good idea to keep some basic supplies at your home if you do get a case of covid-19 that doesn’t require hospitalization.
Black coffee is preferred by people whose genes predispose them to metabolize caffeine quickly.
A study links the increase in risk to breathing disorders that can cause oxygen levels to drop during sleep.
December 18, 2021
A psychiatrist who works with students found that our understanding of reality has been upended by the pandemic.
You don’t really need to remember what you ordered at the bakery a couple weeks ago.