How the number of gastroenterology ASCs has grown in 5 years

The number of Medicare-certified, single-specialty gastroenterology ASCs grew by 122 nationwide from 2018 to 2023, according to data from a March Congressional status report on ASC growth. 

In 2018, there were 1,071 single-specialty GI ASCs in the nation, with the number growing to 1,193 in 2023. In both years, single-specialty GI ASCs made up 21% of all ASCs in the U.S. 

In 2023, single-specialty ASCs, as a whole, accounted for 68% of ASCs nationwide. In 2018, gastroenterology and ophthalmology multispecialty ASCs accounted for 179, or 4% of all ASCs. In 2023, that number grew to 220. 

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