10 financial tips for physician maternity leave

Let’s be real here. Women make babies. Women also kick butt working. Sometimes women need to make babies while kicking butt working. So, you know, the human race can survive … no big deal. But, all too often, families are unfairly burdened by our dismal maternity support system. Bleary-eyed and bloody, new mamas emerge from childbirth facing a mountain of medical bills and no income.

For my first pregnancy, my family had coverage through the army (Tricare Prime), and we paid nothing out of pocket. For my second pregnancy, I was the sole breadwinner and worked for a private company. I was wholly unprepared for the costs coming my way. I wish someone had told me these things. I also polled a group of financially savvy physician moms and here are the most important tips we came up with.

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