<span itemprop="author">Allan Dobzyniak, MD

Author's posts

The hidden cost of health care: How rising debt threatens your access to care

Before a discussion of entitlements and welfare programs is started, a primer on the fiscal situation of the country seems appropriate. Service on the national debt is now second only to Social Security as a government expenditure. The debt is now abou…

How doctors lost their freedom and what it means for health care today

It is presently fair to ask the question, do doctors participate in our society as individuals being free? If this is no longer the case, why and what are the consequences? If a doctor is employed, he answers to an employer. If there is participation w…

Pediatrician shortage reveals deeper health care crisis impacting all physicians

There was an article published recently addressing the shortage of pediatricians. Though the article focused on this specific shortage, it actually raised many additional questions regarding the physician workforce in general. It is difficult to disagr…