Andrew Wight, Contributor

Author's posts

Will The Coronavirus Follow When 20 Million Indonesians Go Home For Mudik?

Last June more than 20 million Indonesians went back to their home villages to spend time with family during a vast internal migration called Mudik. This year’s edition is in late May – and public health experts warn it could be a “bomb” of COVID-19 ca…

The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Causing Kenya’s Maasai To Change Its Ancient Habits

As people across the world struggle to adapt their way of life to the unfolding COVID-19, the Maasai people of east Africa are already having to change ancient customs to minimize the impact of the disease. #globalsouthscience

This Doctor’s App Is Helping Libya Triage Its Coronavirus Patients

Libyan doctor turned tech CEO Mohamed Aburawi helped developed a telehealth platform so that doctors who had left their countries could treat patients back home– now it’s being used to help triage cases in Libya’s fight against COVID-19.

What The US Could Learn From Nigeria’s Response To The COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak

Nigeria, despite having reported its first case of COVID-19 nearly two months ago and having a population of over 190 million, still has less than two dozen cases– a stark contrast to the over 15,000 reported in the US, as of Sunday. #globalsouthscience

How Do You Fight Malaria In Tanzania? With Drones!

The project’s leaders say this is the first-time ever use of drones to apply a biological control agent against mosquitoes anywhere in the world.

How Paying Your Doctor In Seeds Helps Save The Rain Forest

In many parts of Indonesia, a medical emergency can cost up to a year’s wages and mean traveling hours or even days to reach a hospital or clinic – and often the only way to get the money together is to log local forests, over-fish a a reef or otherwis…