Flint, Mich.-based Insight, a health network that includes two hospitals and multiple ASCs, has stepped in to run operations and stabilize finances at CarePoint Health, according to Bloomberg.
Amazon Pharmacy is now offering same-day prescription medicine deliveries for customers in New York City and Los Angeles, with plans to expand to more than a dozen cities by the end of the year.
CMS has approved HCA Mission Hospital’s plan of correction to address a violation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act regulators uncovered at the Asheville, N.C., hospital during a visit last November.
A proposed bill in California that would increase penalties for violence against emergency department workers has passed one body of the state legislature and awaits consideration in another.
The Feb. 21 cyberattack on Change Healthcare is causing some restructuring of payments at Ocean Springs, Miss.-based Singing River Health System, WLOX reported March 29.
The nation’s nursing workforce is becoming more diverse and highly trained, though job satisfaction is falling and shortage projections are increasing through 2036, a new federal report shows.