The Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Hospital Association have agreed on a proposal that they say will reform hospital reimbursement rates and improve the health of residents in the state.
Hospitals have traditionally relied on Wi-Fi to power their organizations, but some campuses are pushing the limits of connectivity, according to The Wall Street Journal.
When it comes to a four-day workweek, the arguments for and against such an approach are varied, and its use depends on the industry and role. However, one thing is clear: There is data pointing to a growing trend.
Ruthless ascensions of the corporate ladder have been popularized — and glamorized — in movies and TV shows. But being a jerk at work will not always work in one’s favor, The Wall Street Journal reported Feb. 1.
Colorado hospitals posted $336 million in profits in 2022, down from $3.4 billion the year prior, according to a Feb. 5 report from the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.