<span itemprop="author">Ben Reinking, MD

Author's posts

The power of emotional intelligence: a personal story and lessons for physicians

The student I worked with quietly said, “Dr. Reinking, I think you multiplied wrong.” My shoulders tensed slightly, and my stomach dropped. We had just spent the better part of an hour working through a feeding and fluid plan with a patient…

The power of emotional intelligence: a personal story and lessons for physicians

The student I worked with quietly said, “Dr. Reinking, I think you multiplied wrong.” My shoulders tensed slightly, and my stomach dropped. We had just spent the better part of an hour working through a feeding and fluid plan with a patient…

Cultivating joy beyond the clinic: a physician’s tale of rediscovering hobbies

It smelled like hay, molasses, and mice. I really hoped there wasn’t a mouse in the oat bin again. It was early fall, and the pasture was eaten to the ground, so the horses received “special oats” with some molasses and corn added so …