Bruce Y. Lee, Contributor

Author's posts

‘Avocado Hand’ Is A Risk, What To Do This Super Bowl Weekend

Super Bowl Sunday is when around 139 million pounds of avocados may be served, mainly in the form of guacamole.

Coronavirus Is Not The ‘Corona Beer Virus,’ What People Are Googling

Apparently, people think that the new coronavirus has something to do with Corona beer.

Coronavirus Is Not The ‘Corona Beer Virus,’ What People Are Googling

Apparently, people think that the new coronavirus has something to do with Corona beer.

Plastic Found In Ground Beef: Over 2,000 Pounds Recalled From 9 States

This is the third straight month that has had such a recall.

Kobe Bryant Passes At 41, How He Was Trying To Help Solve This Major Youth Problem

Today the world lost Bryant, not only one of the greatest basketball players of all time but someone who was trying to improve the health of countless kids around the country and world.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley Reveals Alopecia, What Is This Condition

Ass many as 6.8 million people in the U.S. may be dealing with alopecia areata. And there are other types of alopecia.

Tylenol Could Have A Cancer Warning In California, Here Are The Issues

California is considering whether to put acetaminophen on its Proposition 65 list of chemicals.

‘Forever Chemicals’ In Your Drinking Water, It Is Worse Than Previously Thought

A new study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found levels of these chemicals to be much higher.

Nuts May Now Have Lower Calorie Counts, Almonds 23% Less, Here Is Why

A new method may mean that the caloric counts of walnuts will go down by about 21% as well.

How This Vaccination Video Went Viral, But Resulted In Threats Against Pediatrician

Nicole Baldwin, MD, a pediatrician, shared a 15 second video on Tik Tok. Here is what happened next.