Carolyn Rosenblatt, Contributor

Author's posts

The Shifting Role Of Boomers: We’re The Family Elders Now

As we lose our own aging parents, we Boomers are becoming the family elders. The role of “elder” can be one of respect and the sharing of wisdom, as well as family lore. We step can step into this role with intention.

Aging Parents And The Dangers Of Overmedication

Many aging parents take multiple medications for complex conditions. Prescribing doctors may not communicate with each other, leading to too many drugs, risks of side effects and bad medication interactions. Adult children need to be watchful of what a…

We Can Control One Of The Likely Causes Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Over 5.5M people in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s disease with an increase expected. We don’t know the causes but research has shown it to be likely that heavy metal exposure is one of them. We can reduce our risk and that of our aging parents in several w…

Aging Parents And Rehab Facilities: Know The Hidden Dangers

Many elders will spend at least some time in a nursing home. Hidden dangers lurk. Know how to choose a home, what to watch out for and how to tell if there is enough staff to care for your loved one. Families can ensure their aging parents’ safety by i…