<span itemprop="author">Christopher H. Loo, MD, PhD

Author's posts

How NFTs, DAOs, Web3 and the metaverse impact health care

These are my views and should not be construed as investment advice. If you’ve tuned into the news over the last year, you’ve probably heard of people spending millions on digital JPGs, or people acquiring these digital images and then &#82…

Should physicians invest in cryptocurrency?

In 2009, I came across the white paper written by Satoshi Nakamoto describing a digital currency based on a peer-to-peer network, completely independent of central banks, autonomous, decentralized, digital, and would give access to finance and banking …

What blockchain mean for health care?

In 2016, I was at an angel investor’s conference in Las Vegas when I met a certain individual pursuing their MBA at Stanford University. We got to talking about angel investing, and the term “blockchain” was mentioned. I asked, “the blockchain: that’s …

How COVID-19 forced me to pivot and accelerated my business growth  

Since 2008, after embarking as a full-time entrepreneur, my career has been a series of peaks and valleys. By 2016, I had achieved FIRE status in my mid-thirties by investing in residual income-producing investments, including real estate and equities….

How COVID-19 is forcing physicians to rethink the concept of job security 

Prior to 2000, a practicing physician was almost guaranteed a prosperous economic livelihood. The guaranteed future meant that a physician could take on financial risks such as using student loans to finance their education, purchase a house during res…

The importance of achieving FIRE for the physician in the age of COVID-19

Times have definitely changed. In the month of March 2020, we have seen the global economy shut down almost completely. Businesses shut down. Travel stopped. Millions filing for unemployment. Crises that used to span out over months, now happen in the …