Davey Winder, Contributor

Author's posts

Microsoft Begs Windows Users To Update Now Citing ‘WannaCry 2’ Security Threat

Microsoft has taken the unusual step of almost begging Windows users to apply a recent update or face a security threat that could be as dangerous and costly as WannaCry was in 2017. Here’s what you need to know…

Here’s How 2.3 Billion Files And 11 Million Photos, ‘Private’ Ones Included, Were Exposed Online

Security researchers have revealed that 2.3 billion files, including credit card and medical data, have been exposed online. Oh, and at least 11 million photos including “private” and “illicit” ones leaked for good measure. Here’s how it all went down…

WannaCry Hero Marcus Hutchins Pleads Guilty To Creating Banking Malware

WannaCry hero, Marcus Hutchins, pleads guilty to creating and distributing banking malware and reignites the debate about the role of black hat hackers in the cybersecurity industry.

Malware Removes Cancer Tumors From CT Scans — And Fools Radiologists

The Internet of Medical Things has never been secure. Now researchers have revealed just how dangerous this can be by using malware to either add or remove tumors from cancer scans before the medics view them…

Cybersecurity Mental Health Warning — 1 In 6 CISOs Now Medicate Or Use Alcohol

With CISOs turning to medication and alcohol to deal with the stresses that the role brings, what needs to be done to ensure their mental health and the cybersecurity of the business are both properly looked after?