David DiSalvo, Contributor

Author's posts

Here’s Some Good News About The Coffee You’re Drinking During The Coronavirus Lockdown And Your Health

We could all use some good news during the COVID health crisis, and many of us love our coffee, so let’s discuss new science-based good news about drinking coffee and our health.

This Simple Breathing Advice From A Nobel Prize Winner Can Turn The Tables On Stress During The Coronavirus Lockdown

One of the best tools for dealing with pandemic-induced stress could ironically be the one we think about the least: simple, controlled breathing, using a bit of science-based advice that makes all the difference.

How We Dry Our Hands Matters For Controlling Coronavirus In Public Restrooms, Suggests New Study

Washing our hands correctly is essential, but new research shows that how we dry our hands also matters for controlling viral spread, and not all drying methods are equal.

Why We Can’t Trust Warm Weather To Stop Coronavirus

Whether warm weather and humidity will slow the spread of coronavirus is a hotly contested topic, but a new report suggests the data is starting to lean in one direction.

To Develop A Vaccine Against Coronavirus, Scientists Are Recruiting Other Viruses To Fight The War

Researchers are turning to other viruses as allies in the race to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

N95 Masks Have Been Leaving The U.S. During The Coronavirus Pandemic When We Needed Them The Most – What Should Happen Next?

Reporting on N95 masks and other PPE being exported out of the U.S.—at a time when medical professionals desperately need them—continues to uncover new information and insights into why this has been happening as the pandemic continues.

I Spent A Day In The Feeding Frenzy Of N95 Mask Sellers And Buyers During The Coronavirus Pandemic: This Is What I Learned

For a day I watched the psychology of market pressures play out in an ultra-fast game of finding and selling masks in a pandemic-driven market.

Can Social Distancing Really Stop Coronavirus? Look To The Spanish Flu Pandemic For Answers, Expert Says

During the Spanish Flu pandemic, just like now during COVID-19, not everyone agreed that restrictive social-distancing was the best policy, but the data tells the real story and we should be paying attention to it, says an infectious disease specialist.

How The SARS Epidemic Can Teach Us Ways To Benefit From The Coronavirus Pandemic

The SARS epidemic from the early 2000s offers insights about our relationships and mental health that we can apply to the crisis we’re all living through now.

Here’s Why You Should Be Drinking Plenty Of Water During The Coronavirus Lockdown

Drinking water is healthy for many reasons, but a new study provides one that’s especially appropriate for our current circumstances.