Dr. Miriam A Knoll, M.D., Contributor

Author's posts

Why Ignoring Nursing Home Residents During The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Reckless

Nursing home residents are at the highest risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19, but their needs are largely being ignored.

The One-Two Punch: Cancer And Coronavirus

During COVID-19, cancer patients face the difficult decision when to stay home and when to continue cancer treatment.

Tips For Keeping Grandparents Safer During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Here’s how to keep Grandma and Grandpa as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why COVID-19 Coronavirus Infections Are So Serious In The Elderly

The COVID-19 coronavirus has a serious impact on the elderly population. There are some clues as to why.

How Dr Google Answered The Top Ten Health Questions Of 2019

Google searches may not yield the accurate health information Americans looked for in 2019.

Real Ways To Implement Solutions For Healthcare Disparities

Should your health insurance company build a movie theater?

Female Physicians Reject “Good Enough”

Female physicians aren’t buying the notion that medicine is a family friendly profession.

LinkedIn: You Need a Check Up

LinkedIn isn’t geared for physicians.

Talk Less, Do More: Why It’s Time to Just Put the Women In Charge

Diversity and equality improve with action.

Lessons in Patience, from Aerospace Patients

Space medicine physicians have their work cut out for them.