Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Underreporting Of COVID-19 Coronavirus Deaths In The U.S. And Europe

No death should be a mere statistic. But, it may be worse for a death to be an inaccurate statistic, or one that in some sense doesn’t exist. Accounting for COVID-19 deaths that happen in nursing homes and at home rectifies this issue.

U.S. May Be Plateauing In Terms Of Number Of New Coronavirus Cases, But Beware Of The Fat, Long Tail

The purpose of flattening the curve for new coronavirus infections is to decrease and delay the peak demand for healthcare. There appear to be signs the U.S. is flattening the curve. However, soon the nation will be dealing with the fat and long tail o…

Ethics Of Life And Death Rationing Decisions In The Age Of Coronavirus

One scarce resource is ventilators for critically ill COVID-19 patients. Specifically, the question is how to prioritize use of ventilators: Patients in the greatest need or those most likely to benefit? Should age or disability be a factor? Patient’s …

Boris Johnson’s Government Policy On Coronavirus: Dither, Delay, Spring Into Action Late

The actions the British government took in late March were better late than never. Yet, an initial nod to the herd immunity approach, followed by indecision and delay have made it more difficult to effectively combat the coronavirus epidemic.

A Coronavirus Casualty: Delay In Comprehensive Drug Pricing Legislation

The coronavirus pandemic has become an all-consuming topic among legislators in Washington. As a result, important legislation on a wide variety of topics has been postponed. A notable coronavirus casualty is a lengthy delay in comprehensive drug prici…

Wearing Medical Scrubs In Public In The Age Of Coronavirus

The coronavirus may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces, including clothing. Though less likely than direct transfer contaminated surfaces can be a vector for transmission.

Coronavirus Under Authoritarian Rule: The Wacky, The In Denial, The Problematic

The inability to freely communicate information coupled with denialism are recipes for disaster in the face of a pandemic. Authoritarian governments can’t imprison a virus. There’s a wide range of responses, from the wacky, to being in denial, to the p…

Accuracy Of Estimate Of 100,000 To 240,000 Covid-19 Deaths Hinges On Key Assumptions

Model estimates of cases of coronavirus and Covid-19 deaths will turn out to be wrong in some way or other, if they rely on faulty assumptions about aspects of the disease and its transmission, as well as mitigation strategies that haven’t been thoroug…

France Struggles As It Wages “War” Against Covid-19

Hindsight is 20-20. In practically every nation impacted by Covid-19 more could have been done, and timing of decisions could have been better. Let’s review France’s case where there appear to have been several missed opportunities to stem the rise in …

Caught Between Herd Immunity And National Lockdown, Holland Hit Hard By Covid-19

The case fatality rate in the Netherlands of 6.3% stands in stark contrast to its neighbor Germany’s 0.6%. The Netherlands, with a younger overall population and one that is almost 5 times smaller than Germany’s, has 60% more deaths.