Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Tradeoff Between Public Health Measures Targeting Covid-19 And Restarting The Economy?

With respect to public health measures targeting Covid-19 and restarting the economy it’s not one or the other. The two work in tandem. Resolving an unfolding coronavirus public health crisis and ensuring sustained economic recovery may require a longe…

Germany An Outlier With Very Low Coronavirus Case Fatality Rate And Minimal Number Of Patients In Critical Condition

Compared to other countries, Germany remains an outlier in terms of a low coronavirus case fatality rate and minimal numbers of Covid-19 patients in serious or critical condition. Ad hoc explanations raise more questions than they answer.

Nationwide Lockdowns Can Begin To Halt The Spread Of Coronavirus In A Matter Of Weeks

Public health measures, including non-pharmaceutical interventions, are aimed at decreasing contact rates in the population and thereby reducing transmission of the virus. One such measure is systematic implementation of a nationwide lockdown.

Is Decentralized Decision-Making In U.S. Effective At Tackling Coronavirus?

Public health in America tends to be a patchwork of decentralized decision-making, often done in conjunction with piecemeal policies. Sometimes decision-making is carried out on the basis of federal guidance. Other times it is not.

More Accountability Needed In Medicare Part D Plan Formulary Decision-Making

For the purposes of driving down patient out-of-pocket costs, and also improving accountability, it may be more expeditious to subject the formulary decision-making process to more scrutiny, especially regarding Medicare Part D plans.

The PBM MedImpact Is Proactively Personalizing Medicine

MedImpact’s novel program harnesses pharmacogenomics to deliver actionable results to prescribers. It does this by screening for genetic interactions with more than 240 commonly prescribed medications and notifies prescribers when a potential gene-drug…

The High Toll Of Alcohol Abuse

Public health specialists assert it’s time for a much broader national dialogue about substance misuse of all drugs, licit and illicit, and that this should include alcohol.

Super Tuesday Results Ease Concerns In The Pharmaceutical And Health Insurance Industries

After his campaign was left for dead, Joe Biden’s resurgence on Super Tuesday appeared to trigger a rally on Wall Street, sparked by healthcare stocks.

New Antibiotics Face Major Development And Reimbursement Hurdles

There is an urgent need for a multifaceted solution that encompasses a comprehensive roadmap for both development and commercialization of novel antibiotics. Here, uptake and reimbursement pose challenges for new antibiotics.

Market Prospects For New Cholesterol Lowering Agents Nexletol And Nexlizet

Ultimately, sales of Nexletol and Nexlizet will be driven by insurer uptake, which in turn will depend on the net price after rebates, as well as an assessment of relative cost- and clinical effectiveness.