Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Drug Formulary Managers’ Use Of Step Therapy Can Lead To Sub-Optimal Outcomes

On the one hand, step therapy protocols provide insurers with a way to negotiate lower drug costs. On the other, step therapy is considered an onerous condition of reimbursement, particularly given its fail-first implications.

In The Wake Of Hurricane Dorian The Bahamas Face Public Health Challenges

In the hurricane’s wake it will be important for health authorities to be vigilant regarding communicable diseases that can thrive in places with inadequate water treatment and poor sanitation resulting from the storm.

Capital Rx To Inject Transparency In Prescription Drug Prices

The Clearinghouse Model aims at eliminating secrecy from prescription drug pricing, which it says will free up resources away from negotiating complicated pricing deals to tackling pharmaceutical care management in order to improve health outcomes.

Breakthrough In Fight Against Multi-Resistant Tuberculosis

Pretomanid is the first TB medicine to be developed and licensed by a not-for-profit entity. As a product development partnership, TB Alliance collaborated with and received support from governments, academia, philanthropic institutions, and a commerci…

Explaining Medicare Part D’s Success As A Byproduct Of Flat Voucher Subsidies

Medicare Part D is considered by many policymakers as a role model for publicly financed, privately provided social insurance programs. Medicare Part D’s structure keeps subsidies in check by virtue of its flat voucher subsidy design.

Brexit’s Disruptive Impact On U.K. And European Prescription Drug Market

In brief, a no-deal Brexit would imply an unprecedented disruption of the European pharmaceuticals market in terms of research, regulation, manufacture, and trade in biopharmaceuticals. It would even impact drug prices as reference pricing schemes thro…

Breakthrough In Fight Against Ebola

What the breakthrough in Ebola treatment demonstrates is how successful a public-private partnership can be in a relatively short period of time, with sufficient funding and coordination of government and pharmaceutical industry targeted efforts to sav…

Antiretroviral Therapy’s Positive Impact On Global Public Health Faces Challenges Moving Forward

Forsythe and colleagues demonstrate that the advent of antiretroviral therapy in the mid 1990s has yielded significant achievements in global public health. Between 1995 and 2015, 9.5 million deaths have been averted worldwide, and global economic bene…

Deploying Experimental Vaccines Against Ebola

The most expedient way to test Johnson and Johnson’s experimental Ebola vaccine is to administer it during an outbreak, which is the way Merck’s vaccine was successfully deployed in Guinea in 2015. Locally, however, there are fears people in the Congo …

Senate’s Prescription Drug Pricing Bill’s Limited Impact On Drug Prices

The Prescription Drug Reduction Act has been hailed as a means towards reducing prescription drug prices, but in reality it does more to limit out-of-pocket spending by seniors and disabled people than move the needle on drug prices.