Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

Misuse, Abuse, And Diversion Of Prescription Antibiotics

Misuse of prescription antibiotics has become an area of public health concern in recent years given the lack of new medicines to treat increasingly drug-resistant bacterial infections.

Does Precision Medicine Have A Minority Problem?

Precision medicine holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare. however, personalized medicine could inadvertently create new disparities. This is due to the fact that almost 80% of individuals who have contributed DNA to genomics research are Cauc…

Obamacare Under Threat By The Courts, Yet Again

Courts are again inserting themselves into politics and legislative processes, such as the Affordable Care Act, seemingly without consideration of real-world consequences for Americans, nor with sufficient attention being paid to legislative intent.

On Prescription Drug Prices, Will Trump Turn Words Into Action?

At this point, it’s hard not to be skeptical as the Administration has been long on rhetoric and short on action when it comes to lowering prescription drug prices.

Biosimilars Continue To Exhibit Market Failure

Analysts are saying the future for biosimilars may be in doubt. It’s not time to give up on biosimilars, however. It would appear that a persistent problem in the U.S. is that conditions conducive to a competitive market haven’t been established.

2020 Election’s Healthcare Debate: Truths, Half-Truths, And Falsehoods

When Sanders talks about Medicare for All, he isn’t aiming to expand the currently existing Medicare program to include all U.S. residents. Rather, he is talking about a government program that would replace all currently existing forms of insurance, b…

The Trump Administration’s Conscience Rule Presents A Slippery Slope

The Trump Administration’s healthcare provider’s “conscience rule” is subject to a potentially broad interpretation. It contains no limits with respect to both who may be at risk of being denied treatment, and what kinds of treatment could be refused.

Vyleesi Approval Expands Treatment Options For Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

There are several key differences between Addyi and Vyleesi, which may improve chances of the latter’s commercial success. Unlike Addyi, patients don’t have to take a pill every day, and they can consume alcohol while on Vyleesi.

Louisiana’s Experiment Paying For Hepatitis C Drugs: Lessons For Other States, Other Treatments?

Compared to traditional fee-per-prescription reimbursement, the subscription model offers an expedient way to balance the public health interest in attaining widespread and affordable access to certain medications, while assuring manufacturers generate…

Drug Pricing Should Reflect Value, Not Recoupment Of Investment

Ultimately end-products are not valued for the labor and capital that go into them. Rather, they’re valued for what they produce for patients: Extended life, improved morbidity indices, and alleviation of symptoms.