Joshua Cohen, Contributor

Author's posts

NICE To Be Sovereign: U.K. Rejects Trump Suggestion To Include NHS In Possible Trade Deal

While many British object to meddling from Brussels, it’s highly doubtful they’ll want to take orders from the U.S., particularly regarding as sacred an institution as the NHS.

Merck’s Full Court Press On Oncology

Earlier this week, Merck entered into an agreement to acquire Tilos Therapeutics for up to $773 million. Such acquisitions demonstrate how heavily invested Merck is in immuno-oncology, an area in which it is currently well-positioned with the PD-1 inhi…

Where Politics Trumps Science: Ban On Federal Funding Of Research Using Fetal Tissue

Advocates of the ban on federal funding of fetal tissue research oppose abortion. But surely numbers of abortions won’t be impacted by the ban. What will be directly impacted will are legitimate avenues of clinical research. When politics trumps scienc…

Surprise Billing: Another Healthcare Market Failure

Patients often assume that their health insurance will cover emergency care or major procedures. They’re caught by surprise when they find out that they’re not fully covered.

At Over $2 Million Zolgensma Is The World’s Most Expensive Therapy, Yet Relatively Cost-Effective

Too often the discussion of a drug’s price is fixated on eye-popping numbers and not value. It’s laudable that ICER redirected us to the discussion of value. In some instances, high prices may be justified by value; in others, not.

Trump Ready To Force Transparency In Healthcare Pricing With An Executive Order

The Trump Administration wants to make it easier for patients and employers to comparison shop for healthcare. President Trump is expected to soon release an executive order on healthcare price transparency.

Are P&T Committees Wielding More Influence And Driving Larger Drug Rebates?

Behind the scenes, but not obscure, Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees have helped shape drug formulary practices for many decades. Whether they can effectively drive formulary management and rebate negotiations depends on the available evidence for …

Trump Administration Thwarted In Attempts To Remake Policy On Reproductive Health

Twice this year the Trump administration has been thwarted in his efforts to remake federal policy on reproductive health. Internationally, it is, however, imposing its will.

$10 Billion In Annual U.S. DTC Healthcare Advertising Indicates Merging Of Patient And Consumer

Then there is the uniquely American ubiquitous advertising of hospitals, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, physician clinics, and health insurers, which points to the degree to which the patient is considered a consumer by the suppliers of healt…

HHS To Implement Pay-For-Performance Models For Primary Care Practices Serving Medicare

The ultimate purpose of the Primacy Cares Initiative, according to the Director of HHS, Alex Azar, is to move primary care from a fee-for-service to a value-based system, predicated on paying for healthcare outcomes rather than numbers of procedures.