Regan McCarthy

Author's posts

Both sides prepare as Florida’s six-week abortion ban is set to take effect Wednesday

The state currently bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. That will drop to six weeks, with a few exceptions — a timetable that abortion rights advocates say is hard to meet

Florida’s abortion fight is headed to voters after court allows for a 6-week ban

Florida is at the center of the fight over abortion. As the state faces new restrictions and a November ballot question on abortion rights, Democrats see potential where they haven’t in years.

A push is underway for voters to make Florida the next state to expand Medicaid

For a decade, Florida lawmakers have debated whether to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Advocates are trying to circumvent the legislature and take the issue directly to voters.

A look at the citizens initiative to expand Medicaid in Florida

Florida lawmakers have debated for a decade whether to expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act. Advocates are trying to circumvent legislature and take the issue directly to voters.