Robert Laszewski, Contributor

Author's posts

Joe Biden’s Health Care Plan Would Fix the Individual Health Insurance System

IF the Democrats capture the White House, keep the House and take over the Senate, no matter who they elect as President, this Biden health care outline, not Medicare for all, will likely be the plan Democrats embrace in 2021

Health Care: Greed Outranks Compromise in Congressional Attempts to Fix Surprise Medical Bills

I sure hope none of these politicians, more interested in carrying the water for the special interests than worrying about their constituents, don’t need an air ambulance over the holidays!

Buttigieg and Biden Spend What They Would Gain Repealing the Republican Tax Cuts on Health Care

Shouldn’t any gain from repealing the Republican tax cuts on the wealthiest go toward fixing the debt and deficit problems these tax cuts have contributed to?

Elizabeth Warren Takes Medicare for All Off the Table for Democrats in 2021

Why did Warren back off on Medicare for all? Because Democratic primary voters weren’t buying it.

Health Care Special Interests Four Hundred Billion – Consumers Zero

As the year winds down and must pass year-end spending bills are completed––and with that any chance of attaching and approving health care legislation––the special interests have won big and consumers have lost big.

Here Is What Republicans And Democrats Don’t Understand About Obamacare

It’s not about Obamacare, it’s about health insurance security–for everybody.

Any Chance For A Health Insurance Fix? Where The Debate Goes From Here

In the wake of the Republicans bungling health care and their 2018 election defeat, where will the health care debate head in the run-up to the 2020 elections?