Sally Pipes, Contributor

Author's posts

How Long Can Sen. Warren Dodge Questions About Medicare For All?

Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) refuses to answer a simple question: Will Medicare for All raise taxes on the middle-class? It’s time for the senator to come clean—and acknowledge that her preferred brand of health reform will require p…

Across The Atlantic, Nationalized Health Care Is Failing Cancer Patients

There are few places in the developed world worse for those with cancer than the United Kingdom. Simply put, the UK’s National Health Service is failing cancer patients. This is the reality of single-payer healthcare. If the United States implements Me…

Across The Atlantic, Nationalized Health Care Is Failing Cancer Patients

There are few places in the developed world worse for those with cancer than the United Kingdom. Simply put, the UK’s National Health Service is failing cancer patients. This is the reality of single-payer healthcare. If the United States implements Me…

Obamacare Drives Hospital Consolidation, Raising Prices For Patients

Obamacare’s architects thought hospital consolidation would streamline care, improve the quality of medical services, and generate savings for patients. Now, nearly a decade later, it’s clear they miscalculated.

New Bombshell Report Reveals Obamacare’s Epic Medicaid Waste

Medicaid has expanded well beyond its original mission of taking care of the most vulnerable members of society. Hundreds of thousands of people who have no business claiming taxpayer-funded health coverage are doing just that. This waste must stop.

A President Harris Would Mean Good-Bye To Private Insurance

Despite what she might want voters to think, Kamala Harris is bent on killing off private insurance and pushing all Americans into a one-size-fits-all, government-run health plan—at an annual cost of trillions of taxpayer dollars.

Louisiana Tries Hard, But Federal Obstacles Cause Hepatitis C Plan To Fall Short

A state and a biopharmaceutical company agreed recently on a new way to pay for treating patients with Hepatitis C, the most deadly infectious disease in America. The agreement, however, fell short of the solution that Louisiana worked hard to put into…

Judge Delivers A Big Victory For Affordable Health Care

Just over two weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon upheld a Trump administration rule that expands access to short-term, limited duration health plans. The ruling represents a major victory for those in need of affordable health coverage.

People Don’t Know What ‘Medicare For All’ Means. Democrats Want It That Way.

In this post, I look at three things most of the public believes about Medicare for All: that they’ll be able to keep their private health plans, that doctors and hospitals will be paid enough to stay in business, and that ordinary Americans will save …

Don’t Slash Medicare In Last-Minute Budget Agreement

To raise the debt ceiling, lawmakers proposed to undermine Medicare Part D. It would be a mistake to target Part D, a successful, comparatively free-market program that helps nearly 45 million Americans afford prescriptions. The proposal would hurt vul…