Sally Pipes, Contributor

Author's posts

Medicare For All Won’t Result In Better Health Outcomes

Abolishing private insurance and forcing everyone into a government health plan — as Medicare for All’s proponents advocate — wouldn’t improve patients’ health.

The New York Health Act Just Became Even More Expensive

New York’s progressive lawmakers are getting more ambitious with their plans for socialized medicine.

Democratic 2020 Hopefuls: All Roads Lead To Single-Payer

Most Americans are unenthusiastic about waiting months for care or paying Canadian-style taxes. But that’s exactly what will happen if Democrats get their way. Before 2020 rolls around, let’s hope voters get a dose of common sense.

Arizona Patients Should Welcome Medicaid Work Requirements

Medicaid was intended as an insurer of last resort for America’s least well-off, not as a subsidy for those who choose not to work. Arizona’s proposed Medicaid requirements are an attempt to restore the program’s original purpose — one that other stat…

The NHS’s Winter Crisis Is a Red Flag for Americans Enticed by Single-Payer

The winter flu season has plunged Britain’s government-run National Health Service into a full-blown crisis.

No Matter What the Courts Say, Obamacare Is Ineffective and Unconstitutional

Health reform can’t be conducted through the courts. Congress will eventually have to take action.

Blame Government Regulations for America’s Uninsured Problem

Government mandates deserve much of the blame for the rise in the number of uninsured Americans.

After Midterms, Democrats Inch Toward Government-Run Health Care

Democrats seem to believe that the cure for every healthcare problem is a bigger dose of government. But the American people have rejected that approach before — and they may do so again.

Medicare for All Lost Big Time in the Midterms

Medicare for All, the rallying cry for much of the far left, lost big time during the midterm elections. Voters outside liberal enclaves rejected candidates who touted their support for socialized medicine.

Short-Term Insurance Plans Offer a Much-Needed Escape from Obamacare

Consumers should be free to choose the health plans that best meet their own financial and health needs. For millions of Americans, that means affordable, no-frills short-term coverage.