Sally Pipes, Contributor

Author's posts

Small Businesses Are Making A Big Mistake By Supporting Single-Payer

Small-businesses are warming to the idea of single-payer health care. For these folks, Medicare for All might seem like a welcome reprieve. But a closer look reveals that a government-run healthcare system would be no less difficult to deal with than t…

The Public Option: Medicare For All, Part One

The chaotic Iowa Caucus had one clear winner—government-run health care. A majority of voters favor a public option as a more moderate alternative to Medicare for All. But the public option would also result in a government takeover of the health insur…

States Should Not Resurrect The Individual Mandate

Market forces are the most effective way to expand access to affordable coverage—not mandates. In resurrecting the individual mandate, several of our nation’s bluest states are poised to learn that lesson the hard way.

Pelosi’s Drug Price Controls Are Dangerous—But So Are Trump’s

The White House deserves credit for highlighting the immense damage of H.R. 3’s price controls. Patients can only hope that administration officials will heed their own warning—that international reference pricing will harm patients “in ways that far …

Bernie Sanders’ Resurgence Is Bad For America’s Health

Presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders is surging in the polls. But what’s good for Sanders isn’t good for the United States. His signature policy proposal,
Medicare for All, would destroy America’s world-class healthcare system and make the avera…

The Epic Folly Of Trump’s Drug Importation Crusade

The Trump administration has released a plan that would green-light the importation of certain drugs from Canada and potentially other foreign countries. There is no way to ensure that such drugs are safe. Even limited importation schemes pose an enorm…

The Government-Sponsored Rush To Electronic Health Records Endangers Patients

There’s no question that electronic health records have the potential to enhance efficiency and improve care. But the government-mandated sprint to adopt them has been a costly fiasco. There’s a lesson in this episode for future efforts to impose centr…

Democrats Stage A Phony Retreat On Medicare For All

Not long ago, most leading Democrats were jostling for position aboard the “Medicare for All” bandwagon. In recent weeks, the political winds have shifted to public option support. Don’t be fooled. Every plan offered by Democrats would lead to a full-f…

State-Led Medicare For All Would Import All Of Canada’s Problems

Rep. Khanna’s bid for state-level single-payer is a dangerous and foolish proposition. Let’s hope Americans wake up to the fact that they’d face long waits, rationed care, higher taxes, and a doctor shortage under single-payer.

How Big-Box Retailers Can Revitalize Rural Health Care

Millions of Americans struggle to get affordable, timely medical care. Adding telehealth capabilities to our existing retail infrastructure could significantly expand access to top-notch care—and reduce costs for patients and the healthcare system.